91 Decode Ways
A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:
'A' -> 1
'B' -> 2
'Z' -> 26
Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.
For example,
Given encoded message "12"
, it could be decoded as "AB" (1 2)
or "L" (12)
The number of ways decoding "12"
is 2.
class Solution {
int numDecodings(string s) {
int n = s.size();
if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
if ( n == 1 and s[0] != '0' ) return s[0] != '0';
vector<int> numWays(n, 0);
numWays[0] = ( s[0] != '0' );
if ( s[1] != '0' ) numWays[1] += numWays[0];
if ( s[0] != '0' and atoi(s.substr(0, 2).c_str()) <= 26 ) numWays[1] += 1;
for ( int i = 2; i <= n-1; i++ ) {
if ( s[i] != '0' ) numWays[i] += numWays[i-1];
if ( s[i-1] != '0' and atoi(s.substr(i-1, 2).c_str()) <= 26 ) numWays[i] += numWays[i-2];
return numWays[n-1];
DP solution:
When adding s[i] to s[0:i], devide the problem into two sub-problems:
- examine numWays[i-1] and the validity of s[i];
if ( s[i] != '0' ) numWays[i] += numWays[i-1];
- examine numWays[i-2] and the validity of s.substr(i-1, 2).
if ( s[i-1] != '0' and atoi(s.substr(i-1, 2).c_str()) <= 26 ) numWays[i] += numWays[i-2];
class Solution {
int help1(string s) {
if ( s != "0" ) return 1;
return 0;
int help2(string s) {
if ( s[0] == '0' ) return 0;
int i = stoi(s);
if ( i > 26 ) return 0;
return 1;
int numDecodings(string s) {
int n = s.size();
vector<int> res(n+1, 0);
if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
res[0] = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
if ( i+1 <= n ) res[i+1] += res[i]*help1(s.substr(i, 1));
if ( i+2 <= n ) res[i+2] += res[i]*help2(s.substr(i, 2));
return res[n];