- For a given number n, output numbers from 1 to n in lexicographical order.
Example:Given n = 11 Output 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- 把所有整数变成长度一样然后排序,之后再还原。
- 直接用to_string,然后排序
- overload排序算法
def orderNumber(n):
nums = range(1, n+1, 1)
tmp = 1
while ( n/tmp >= 1 ): tmp *= 10
for i in range(n):
while ( nums[i]*10 < tmp ): nums[i] *= 10
i = 0
while ( i <= n-1 ):
if ( nums[i] > n ): nums[i] /= 10
j = i
while ( j <= n-1 and nums[i] == nums[j] ): j += 1
tmp = 1
k = j-1
while ( k >= i ):
nums[k] /= tmp
tmp *= 10
k -= 1
i = j
return nums
Note the syntax of overloading! (check leetcode 352 solution for references.)
bool compare1(int i1, int i2) {
return ( to_string(i1) < to_string(i2) );
class Solution {
struct compare2 {
bool operator() (int i1, int i2 ) { return to_string(i1) < to_string(i2);}
vector<int> newsort(int n) {
vector<int> res;
// or here, directly res.push_back(to_string()i+1), then sort
for (int i = 0; i <= n-1; i++ ) res.push_back(i+1);
sort(res.begin(), res.end(), compare1);
sort(res.begin(), res.end(), compare2());
sort(res.begin(), res.end(), compare3);
return res;
Two sum on a BST. Given a binary search tree and a target number, return a pair of nodes whose sum equals to the target.
Reverse an integer without using string.
def reverseInteger(n): res = 0 while ( n != 0 ): res = res*10 + n%10 n = n/10 return res
Find insection of 5 array.
- use set
- use hashmap
- sort the array first.
Two sum
Given an array, return number of duplicated numbers.
For exampleGiven [5, 2, 2, 4], return 1 Given [8, 33, 7, 8, 7, 7], return 2 Given [1, 2, 3], return 0
- sort? hashtable?
Given a target number and the root of a binary search tree. Delete the leaf node whose value equals to the target number.
Define the path sum as the sum along each root-to-leaf node path. Find the minimum path sum, and output the path.
String Compression
Given "aabbbc", return "a2b4c".
class Solution { public: string compressString(string s) { int n = s.size(); if ( n <= 1 ) return s; char c = s[0]; string res; int icount = 1; s = s + ' '; for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { if ( s[i] == c ) { icount += 1; continue; } res += c; if ( icount != 1 ) res += to_string(icount); c = s[i]; icount = 1; } return res; } };
Add Digits (leetcode 258)
- Constant time solution?
// Note the relation: // addDigits(n) == (n-1)%9 + 1
- Constant time solution?
Traverse a binary tree in level order.
- Follow up: 层序输出path sum为奇/偶的节点(不能更改节点的结构)
- Given a string, output the characters that only appear once.
- Follow up 1: 按原序输出.
- Follow up 2: 只需用set,不许用hashmap
- H-index (two solutions?)
Note the fact that- h-index <= number of papers;
- h-index <= maximum citations
- Sort the citations array in descending order,
- the h-index at i-th position can not be larger than (i+1).
- when adding the (i+1)-th paper with a citation number lower than h_index(i), h_index(i+1) = h_index(i). (And h_index cannot be increase again...)
class Solution {
int hIndex(vector<int>& citations) {
int n = citations.size(), i;
sort(citations.begin(), citations.end());
for ( i = n-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( citations[i] < n-i) return n-i-1;
return n;
Optimized solution:
Use "binary search" to optimize the above solution. Take [3, 0, 6, 1, 5] as an example:
Consider two arrays:
citations = [0, 1, 3, 5, 6]
helper = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
Find the smallest i s.t. citations[i] >= helper[i]. Note the loop condition in binary search when implementing it.
class Solution {
int hIndex(vector<int>& citations) {
int n = citations.size();
if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
vector<int> helper(n, 0);
for ( int i = 0; i <= n-1; i++ ) helper[i] = n - i;
if ( citations[n-1] < helper[n-1]) return 0;
if ( citations[0] >= helper[0] ) return helper[0];
int l = 0, r = n-1, mid;
while ( l < r-1 ) {
mid = (l+r)/2;
if ( citations[mid] >= helper[mid] ) r = mid;
else l = mid;
return helper[r];
Merge K sorted linked lists
在一个排序的数组中找一个数出现的次数, 用binary search
For a given string, find the number of its unique substrings.
Solutiondef countUnique(s): n = len(s) count = 0 for i in range(1, n+1, 1): record = {} tmp = n-i+1 for j in range(n-i+1): sub_s = s[j:j+i] if ( sub_s not in record ): record[sub_s] = 1 else: tmp -= 1 count += tmp return count
Jumping Number jumpingNumber(n): if ( n <= 9 ): return range(n+1) res1 = range(1, 10, 1) res = res1[:] while ( len(res1) != 0 ): res += res1 res2 = [] for i in res1: last_digit = i%10 if ( last_digit != 9 ): new_i = i*10 + last_digit + 1 if ( new_i <= n ): res2.append(new_i) if ( last_digit != 0 ): new_i = i*10 + last_digit - 1 if ( new_i <= n ): res2.append(new_i) res1 = res2[:] res.append(0) return res
Jump robot (enforce jump)
import random
def jump():
return random.randrange(2)
def enforceJump():
start, end = 0, 0
while ( end != start+1 ):
end += (2*jump())-1
print end
- Hashmap 里放名字和编号,名字是value,编号是key,要求打印出以名字为顺序的内容。
example:map: 1 John 2 John 3 Bob 4 Amy
output: Amy 4 Bob 3 John 1 John 2
def print_name(dict):
res = [];
for i in dict:
name = dict[i]
add = False
for j in range(len(res)):
if ( name < res[j][0] or ( name == res[j][0] and i < res[j][1]) ):
res.insert(j, [name, i])
add = True
if ( name == res[j][0] and i > res[j][1] ):
res.insert(j+1, [name, i])
add = True
if ( not add ): res.append([name, i])
print res
dict = {}
dict[1] = 'John'
dict[2] = 'John'
dict[3] = 'Bob'
dict[4] = 'Amy'
- 一个是链表求最后第k个node,要用快慢指针,快的先走k步,然后快慢一起走。
- LRU cache,好像以前的面经提到过。先是让你实现有股票id,然后取price(用map)。然后加要求,说要取最近的10个(用list存map的value),然后是再这个基础上还要知道最大最小值(map的value变成一个object,包括最大最小值和list),最后是怎么空间有限,怎么办(没直接提LRU,但就是LRU的方法)。
有event大概是有id,desc,和timestamp,要实现getEventById和getEventByRange(startTime, endTime, order(desc | asc))。
打印1->3, 3->4, 2->4
打印顺序不要求. follow up: time complexitydef nextGreater(nums): stack = [] res = [] for i in nums: while ( len(stack) >= 1 and i > stack[-1] ): res.append(str(stack[-1]) + "->" + str(i)) stack.pop(-1) stack.append(i) return res
Integer sqrt:
def sqrt_int(n): if ( n < 0 ): return if ( n == 0 or n == 1 ): return n l, r = 0, n while ( True ): m = (l+r)/2 if ( m**2 <= n and (m+1)**2 > n ): return m if ( m**2 > n ): r = m else: l = m
float sqrt:
def sqrt_float(n, d): if ( n < 0 ): return if ( n == 0 or n == 1 ): return n l, r = 0., max(1, float(n)) while ( True ): m = (l+r)/2. if ( m**2 <= n and (m+d)**2 > n ): m = int(m/d)*d if ( (m+d)**2 > n ): return m else: return (m+d) if ( m**2 > n ): r = m else: l = m
map + priority_queueclass Solution { public: vector<int> frequency(vector<int>& nums) { unordered_map<int, int> freq; priority_queue<pair<int, int> > maxHeap; vector<int> res; int n = nums.size(); if ( n == 0 ) return res; for ( int i = 0; i <= n-1; i++ ) { if ( freq.find(nums[i]) == freq.end() ) freq[nums[i]] = 1; else freq[nums[i]] += 1; } for ( auto it = freq.begin(); it != freq.end(); it++ ) { maxHeap.push(pair<int, int>(it->second, it->first)); } while ( ! maxHeap.empty() ) { res.push_back(; maxHeap.pop(); } return res; } };
- 他先让我把TreeNode的definition写出来,
- 然后让我做一个function,input是一个数组和一个int,数组里面存的是这个tree的所有的node, int存的是target。要我在这个tree里找到target然后return这个target node的所有的children(including the grand children, I guess...)。
HashTable!-- not tested yet
class Solution { struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode* parent; TreeNode(int x): val(x), parent(NULL){}; }; public: vector<TreeNode*> help(unordered_map<TreeNode*, vector<int> >& children, vector<TreeNode*>& nodes, TreeNode* parent) { vector<TreeNode*> res; if ( children.find(parent) == children.end() ) return res; int n = children[parent].size(); for ( int i = 0; i <= n-1; i++ ) { int j = children[parent][i]; res.push_back(nodes[j]); auto tmp_res = help(children, nodes, nodes[j]); int nres = tmp_res.size(); for ( int k = 0; k <= nres-1; k++ ) res.push_back(tmp_res[k]); } return res; } vector<TreeNode*> findChildren(vector<TreeNode*>& nodes, int target ) { int n = nodes.size(), itarget = -1; vector<TreeNode*> res; unordered_map<TreeNode*, vector<int> > children; if ( n == 0 ) return res; for ( int i = 0; i <= n-1; i++ ) { if ( nodes[i]->val == target ) itarget = target; children[nodes[i]->parent].push_back(i); } if ( itarget == -1 ) return res; return help(children, nodes, nodes[itarget]); } };
- Server Attack ?? 只有一个function,用这个function来察觉有没有在攻击服务器。这个function return bool, 每次有一个server request这个function都会被call. 然后告诉我这个function will return true如果在5秒内有10次以上的request。 (这个题我一开始给出的方法是用一个time和count来看,每5秒更新一次time并重设count为0. 但是面试官指出这个方法对于这种情况不行: {0 1 2 3 4 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5}。在这种情况下我的function会给false 但是其实应该是true,因为我的function会在第一个5.5上reset。然后我就纠结了半天,面试官给了一些提示,最后才想出用一个window卡住10个request 然后每一次只看头和尾的时间差,如果是小于5秒就证明有server attack。这个window用queue来做。)
bool serverAttack(double t){
static priority_queue<double> time_record;
int n = time_record.size();
if ( n <= 8 ) {
return false;
double earliest =;
double interval = t - earliest;
return ( interval <= 5);
int main(){
double array[11] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5};
for ( int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ ) {
cout << serverAttack(array[i]) << endl;
return 0;
- 给我一个tree,每一个node有pointer指向up, right, down。然后说每一个node都比自己上面的值大,比下面的值小,最后右边的值比自己的值大,也比所有自己下面的值要大。他给我画了个example,所以这样比较好懂。他先给了我1到9,让我把这10个数字放进他画的tree里面。然后问我如果写算法要怎么把1到n放入tree里面。我解释完,他让我写一个function来print所有的node, in order。然后我写迅速写了一个recursive的方法,蛮简单的,一遍就过。然后他问我那iterative呢,我说每个node的上面用stack, 下面用queue,他说上面确实要用stack,但是下面真的需要queue么。我想了想,说不需要,用那个stack也能做到,然后再解释了一下,他表示满意。
pseudo code?example: 2 | 3 5 | | 1 -> 4 -> 6 -> 9 | | 7 10 | 8
``` vectorinorder(TreeNode* root) { vector res; if ( root == NULL ) return res; res.push_back(root->val);
} ```